
Stop getting sick Naturally

100 % Natural products

Medicinal Herbs



The power of nature is magic. With accurate use of medicinal herbs, and nutrition is everithing possible, also curing the medicinal diseases which are non curable for modern medicine.


Mannual for disease of digestive system with implementation of therapy, nutrition and provision for nutrition.



- Stomatitis - inflammation of the lining of the http://www.rozakanina.bizland.com/images/digestive_system_overal.jpgmouth, inflammation of the mouth, which usually arise from rotten teeth and may be inflammatory (inflammation without wound) (painful wounds and bubbles)
- Gangrenal - difficult disease
· Gingivitis - inflammation of the gums (right) and may be - hypertrophic the swelling of the gums.
· Necrosis where swollen gums are bleeding, increased salivation, and is contagious, portable and can not swallow food.
· Fungal Infections - fungal infections are usually caused by a "candidate" with inflammatory processes where the mouth is white as milk from fungal colonies.
· Angina - is an inflammation of the tonsils with pus forms and pus caused by various bacteria and is quite painful and difficult to swallow food.
· Unpleasant breath - a phenomenon or a disease that is caused by a problem or a disease of the digestive system.

2. Diseases of the esophagus

Diseases of the esophagus are manifested as painful and swallowing and is caused by the narrowing of the esophagus, atrophy, polyps, consequences of angina, diphtheria, scarlet fever, mumps, tuberculosis, and the like.
· Inflammation of the esophagus - is obtained as a result of infection of the mouth, throat and larynx.

3.Diseases of stomach

The most common diseases of the stomach, gastritis, ulcers, increased or decreased secretion of gastric acid.
· Tumor and stomach cancer.
· Gastritis, gastric QATAR - is an inflammatory process of the gastric mucosa usually associated with increased secretion of acid. It can be acute and chronic.
Chronic gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach which manifestra the disturbance of the physiological regeneration of epithelium atrophy, impaired function of the glands with a disorder of the musculature of the stomach and the release of local hormones.
· Stomach ulcer - is damage to the lining of the stomach, which occurs early, the gastric wall. Ulcer can be a "female" when damaged some capillary and is accompanied with frequent bleeding and "male" when bloody. It can be acute and chronic.
Ulcers of the stomach and intestine ulcers duodenum
Ulcers of the stomach and intestine ulcers dvanaesetpalachno are chronic diseases that occur cyclically and relapse. Relapse occurs as a result of distortion between acid secretion and the protective capabilities of the organism. Ulcer is a disease that is widespread. In the industrialized countries are suffering from ulcer 6-10% of the adult population.
· Increased secretion of GASTRIC ACID - a disease when the secretion of gastric acid is increased from the normal and is caused by many causes times anxiety is a major problem and cause.
To resolve problems with stomach ulcer, duodenum taken tincture which solves the problem of 7-14 days.
The food we eat only a quarter USED organisms other is DOCTORS

4. Other Diseases

most frequent diseases are:
· Inflammation and
Duodenum intestine ulcers,
Similar to the diseases and symptoms of the stomach.


· Inflammation INTESTINE - the disease occurs as acute or chronic.
· Acute inflammation arises from infectious agents - microorganisms, bacteria and fungi. It felt a strong pain, cramps, diarrhea, noise in the intestines, nausea, high temperatures and general exhausted organism.
· Chronic inflammation is a consequence of cured acute illness, long-term use of "hard" drugs, allergies, liver disease, followed with frequent diarrhea with many gases and unpleasant odor of feces.
· CRONO Disease is a chronic inflammation of the small intestine and is characterized by a narrowing of the small intestine due to inflammation, there are many wounds, ulcers on the wall of the intestine (ulcers) among themselves are divided by a common wall, sometimes occur and anal fissures, felt or occasional pain followed with frequent seats (40 per day), fake instincts for toilets, in the capital has many mucus, often blood and mash ingredients. It lost quite a lot in weight and the weight fast.

6. other  disease , polyps , tumors and cancers

The most common diseases of the colon are acute and chronic inflammation are very similar to symptoms in the small intestine.
· Polyp of the colon,
· Tumors and cancers of the colon are considered quite serious diseases whose treatment is very complicated and difficult.
Symptoms are similar to the small intestine.
7. This group includes diseases of the liver and gall bladder, spleen and pancreas which are followed with special manuals.
· NERVOUS ABDOMEN is appearance and disease that occurs in "neurotic" people in a state of permanent stress and anxiety, symptoms - frequent belching, heaviness, bloating, urge to vomiting, cramps, cold and wet hands, pale face , accelerated heart rate, nervous person, impetuous and the like.
· OVERFLOW and VOMIT of BLOOD is a consequence of burst ulcer, varicose veins in the abdomen, severe gastritis and the like.
· Straits frequent loose stools with mucus, sometimes blood is due to previous diseases of abdominal system
· CONSTIPATION is difficult izabaveno throwing of dry stool (days or weeks) causes are different and hard abdominal diseases, irregular and improper diet, dyspepsia and intestinal inertia, followed by headache ,, migraine conditions, stomach cramps, general weakness, fatigue, unwillingness and the like.
-MAJASOL piles are varicose veins of the part of the exit intestine and anus. Can be internal or external that are dropped from the anus. Due to the inherent weakness of the vein system slowed blood circulation due to various reasons ,, alcoholism, improper or irregular diet, various stomach ailments or diseases of the liver system and the like. "
· INTESTINE parasites most common diseases are tapeworm and intestine worm TAPEWORM of several species, pig, dog and can grow up to 10 meters. manifested by vague pains, itches ,, vomiting and allergic symptoms and the like.
DISEASES stomach, intestine BODIES
Diseases - dyspepsia, inertia, poor digestion, inflammation, gastritis, gastric ulcer and dvanaesetpalachno cancer, constipation, diarrhea, acute and chronic colitis, ulcers, ulcerative colitis, polyps, nodules, adenocarcinomi tumor, colon, etc.         


Tea for liver disease
Tea 3/1 
Prespa Bitter (alcohol tincture)

5.1.3 Tea for liver diseases

- 1 tablespoon of tea pour 1 liter of water and let stand for 2 hours, drink on an empty stomach, 5 times per 200 milliliters.

See more about tea for liver on product page  

Tea 5.1.4 Number 3/1

 - One teaspoon pour hot water 150 militri let cool 30 minutes, strain and drink 2 times a day on an empty stomach.

See more about teas on product page

5.1.5 Prespa bitter

 Drink 5 times a day for 10 militri fasting.

see more information on product page ISEASES abdominal systemS


- Use a vegan diet - see below.

In ulcerative colitis, acute and chronic colitis, adenocarcinomas, diarrhea mandatory use

First Brojsov juice

- It takes 300 grams of beets, 300 grams of carrots, a bunch of parsley, a root or leaves a bunch of parsnips, 2-3 lemons, 500 grams of apples. All that grind the meat grinding machine, pour 3 liters of water, standing 6 hours Drink.

 - Wheat pulp, two times a day in 100 ml.

Whey from goat's milk

Whey from goat milk 5 times 100 militri, sour milk and eating can eat only potatoes, rice, juice brojsoviot 300 militri pumpkin, cooked carrots.
The treatments last for at least 42 days if needed to completely solve the problem.

Stomach ulcer and twelve executioners hose

- Prespa Bitter
- Hepato Tea Mix 
Hepato Tea Mix 3/1

From Diet necessarily be taken after eating blood groups

Avoid sour, salty, pungent, oily foods, white bread, white bread or keep an eye on banned food See more in nutrition.

Gastric intestinal diseases

- Dyspepsia, sluggishness, gastritis, inflammation;
- Ulcers of the stomach and duodenum successfully resolves completely from 7 to 21 days;
-dijarea constipation, acute and chronic colitis, ulcers;
-polipi, tumor and malignant diseases of the bowel;
In this way access to address specific disease will relapse of disease.This way if you are disciplined it is unlikely the same disease again to be your problem as is the case with "operations of kidney stones," which after some time again present in your kidney. After the third day of received teas and adherence to rules no pain caused by diseases.
Depending on the disease can be imported and combinations:

Prespa Bitter
- Hepato Tea Mix
- Hepato Mix 3/1
Hepato Mix 4/1
Hepato Mix 5/1
- Elixir

Blood group A, B, AB and must be taken Elixir


 proper diagnosis and disease, working on the basis of long experience, as a theory of Karpero Gunter, Brojs, Zara, Dajmont other names but accommodated our mentality, habits, environment, microclimate conditions and the relationship of man to the place where lives and survives in the environment and products.Nutrition achieved - correcting biorhythm, metabolic balance, input and up to 70% per day live liquids under fruits and vegetables, proper eating and right food and timely - catabolism and metabolism, detoxify the body and organs, strengthening the defense, blood, hormonal and lymphatic system.

DAILY NUTRITION AT LEAST UNTIL 8 O 7O% should be fruits and vegetables

To resolve problems with stomach ulcer, dvanaesetpalachno taken tincture (Prespa Mustard) which effectively solves the problem of 7-14 days. drink three times a day one tablespoon before eating.
The treatment lasts at least 21 days to 42 days more necessary.

Only by acting and CORRELATION OF ALL THESE FACTORS AND COOPERATION WITH HIS sick and disciplined behavior can solve the problems of disease

Diet and CONDUCT - 7 - The 14-21 - 42 days

FIRST VARIANT compulsory part


from 6.00 to 10.00 o'clock first one tablet Selenium - an iron tablet - one tablet Magnesium
2. 100 grams of yogurt three 3 tablespoons olive oil (cold pressed), mixed with the juice of 4 lemons and one two tablespoons of liquid honey flowing
4. 200 to 300 grams BROJSOV juice to 10.00 o'clock taken any fruits or vegetables without bread fifth It can be used and tomato juice.


10.00 o'clock till 18.00 o'clock
For lunch, eat a salad first (the base of fresh cabbage) seasoned with more olive oil, coarse salt and a little apple cider vinegar (salad is taken 20 minutes before lunch). Then maybe you should eat at least several times, each 2 ours to eat something, to empty ponachesto bile and cleaned, liver and spleen. For meals you can eat the following ra boots - potato - rice - pulses - soy - light - green peas 

Marine fish - yogurt, yogurt, corn meal - corn flour and black dietary bread. 
Dishes are cooked with a little zaprshka, olive oil (not puts more) pinch of salt. Dishes do not garnish. Eat only bread and potatoes, after two ours bread and rice - for two hours - bread and servants etc. 

OUT OF THIS LIST IS NOT ALLOWED TO EAT AND DRINK NOTHING (if is not in the list can not eat).


 from 18.00 o'clock till 20.00 o'clock
Dinner or bread and yogurt and you cooked wheat
After lunch or before it takes the recipe under number 3 and before or after dinner 
BROJSOVIOT JUICE and TEAS ARE TAKING ALL DAY before or after meals according to guideline

Diet - 7-14 - 21-42 days -


from 6.00 to 11.00 o'clock (the same as the first version)


from 10.00 to 18.00 o'clock eat every two ours but dishes are prepared without oil (oil) - potatoes, peas, string beans - rice - vegetables with black bread, etc. 
This is done 5 days and Saturday and Sunday eat with oil (you eating) 
In this way recipe under number 3 of the first variant is taking mandatory


- Are taking boiled wheat or corn.

Home in clothes and items MUST stick - Naphthalene - Tuxtla - toast - because its harmful pathogenic radiation. Do not sleep with your head to west because of the cosmic energy.


doing as follows + taken 5oo grams of fresh beets, carrots 3oo grams, clean grind the meat grinding machine not on the juice, pour into a larger pot and are putting 3 hands chopped fresh parsley and two hands celery -list, pour half a kilogram of liquid honey and everything is flooded with 8 liters of cold water, preferably spring. Let stand 6 sati strain and collected in glass bottles. Refrigerate drink 700 to 1 liter per day for water throughout the day 
is also taking TEAS received from the herb man according manuals.

NOTE accordance apply guidelines regarding the diet depending on the blood group.


THERAPY is preventive, protective and healing which means it's starting to avoid pain, attacks, acts the same blagoiscelitelni are not strong and powerful because of that its application is longer. In some disease treatment can last several months (Tu, Ca, cysts, etc.) but it is safe, and no unreal habits + + side effects with other medications. The only problem is longer drinking tea, but when you take into account that you will get permanent solutions is worthwhile. 
After the therapy of 42 days and are making regular controls (blood tests, ultrasound, X-ray native recording) and as ascertained by a doctor and the result is good broken therapy and advise on further behavior for some time to avoid relapse or recurrence of the disease. 
In the methods of treatment with this therapy, it does not conflict nor are opposes the treatment by modern medicine, so it is possible to use drugs by doctors and to implement this therapy. 
It is desirable when conducting therapy emphasizes own - intuition - that listens to what the body needs and you need to do on its own initiative to take what the body requires, mind or soul, or have myself to you doctor.

 is tackling the psychological factor - the soul, through frequent and direct contact with human, as a person and not as an object which must be made clear that the body is composed of three things - body - mind - soul in which must be taken into account for Hope, Love and Faith, and acting together of all three can achieve the desired effects and to solve the problem of the disease and as a permanent solution.
 Prespa BITTER you can find all the places listed on this page.


- Use a vegan diet - see below.

In ulcerative colitis, acute and chronic colitis, adenocarcinomas, diarrhea mandatory use

First Brojsov juice

- It takes 300 grams of beets, 300 grams of carrots, a bunch of parsley, a root or leaves a bunch of parsnips, 2-3 lemons, 500 grams of apples. All that grind the meat grinding machine, pour 3 liters of water, standing 6 hours Drink.

 - Wheat pulp, two times a day in 100 ml.

Whey from goat's milk

Whey from goat milk 5 times 100 militri, sour milk and eating can eat only potatoes, rice, juice brojsoviot 300 militri pumpkin, cooked carrots.
The treatments last for at least 42 days if needed to completely solve the problem.

Stomach ulcer and twelve executioners hose

- Prespa Bitter
- Hepato Tea Mix 
Hepato Tea Mix 3/1

From Diet necessarily be taken after eating blood groups

Avoid sour, salty, pungent, oily foods, white bread, white bread or keep an eye on banned food See more in nutrition.


Gastric intestinal diseases

- Dyspepsia, sluggishness, gastritis, inflammation;

- Ulcers of the stomach and duodenum successfully resolves completely from 7 to 21 days;

-dijarei constipation, acute and chronic colitis, ulcers;

-polipi, tumor and malignant diseases of the bowel;

In this way access to address specific disease will relapse of disease.This way if you are disciplined it is unlikely the same disease again to be your problem as is the case with "operations of kidney stones," which after some time again present in your kidney.After the third day of received teas and adherence to rules no pain caused by diseases.
Depending on the disease can be imported and combinations:

- Mustard Prespa
- Hepato Tea Mix
- Hepato Mix 3/1
Hepato Mix 4/1
Hepato Mix 5/1
- Elixir

Blood group A, B, AB and must be taken Elixir


 proper diagnosis and disease, working on the basis of long experience, as a theory of Karpero Gunter, Brojs, Zara, Dajmont other names but accommodated our mentality, habits, environment, microclimate conditions and the relationship of man to the place where lives and survives in the environment and products.Nutrition achieved - correcting biorhythm, metabolic balance, input and up to 70% per day live liquids under fruits and vegetables, proper eating and right food and timely - catabolism and metabolism, detoxify the body and organs, strengthening the defense, blood, hormonal and lymphatic system.



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